Saturday, September 25, 2010

Local Signs

I find myself cruising around a lot in search of a unique dining experience. Today's journey (after another expensive trip to the famers market this morning) took me about 15 minutes east to the neighboring town of Ravenna. I have noticed that there are a lot old metal signs still up around here and I got some shots of a couple of them before I lost the light.

First though, a couple of type experiments:

I like how they randomly made the counter of that first o the shape of a
dog bone.
Note the subtle clues that this is a western themed bar.

Apparently drive in theaters still do pretty well here. People were lined 
up to the road waiting to get in. 
There are several drive in restaurants here too. This one is closed down,
which obviously lead someone to wiping out a corner post in protest.
Clearly the most awesome sign this side
of Las Vegas. Naturally this is where I
got dinner and I was surprised to find 
such good fried chicken up here.
The tables in the Eastpark restaurant are covered with ads. 
This is a good representation of their style: that rainbow 
gradient is relied upon pretty heavily. Money well spent 
if you ask me.


  1. 'note subtle clues that this is a western themed bar.' hahahahahahahahhahhaaaaa

  2. I haven't been able to get online much lately, but when I do I intend on catching back up with your blog, starting here. You can look forward to comments in the near future

  3. Cats and Dogs 2? At least that drive in theatre shows good movies.
